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Mosquito Facts You Need To Know This Spring

If you’re like most Americans, the only thing you really know about mosquitoes is how much you dislike them. From their painful bite to their annoying buzz, it’s no secret that mosquitoes aren’t very popular.

If you’re looking for a way to keep mosquitoes away from property, the first step is to learn a little more about these pesky pests so that you can outsmart them and enjoy your summer in a mosquito-free yard. If this sounds like a good plan, keep reading for some shocking mosquito facts and information that might just leave you itching to learn more.

Mosquitoes are Attracted to Our Breath

As strange as it sounds, the way mosquitoes find us is not by feeling the warmth of our skin, smelling the products we use, or seeing our brightly colored clothing.

Those are all myths which should be retired along with your countless bottles of bug spray, bug repellent bracelets, and earth-toned ensembles. Mosquitoes are actually attracted to the CO2 we exhale!

That means that no matter how much repellent you apply, mosquitoes will find you and bite you. It’s that simple. In order to prevent mosquitoes from finding us, we must mask the CO2 in our breath. While that sounds complicated, a mosquito control border around your yard can keep these flying nuisances out of your space.

A Mosquito Bite Can Do More than Just Take Blood…

While a bite seems bad enough on its own, when a mosquito lands on your skin and bites you, it does more than just take some of your blood.

When a mosquito bites with its needle-like proboscis, it first injects your blood with an anti-coagulant, keeping the blood from clotting so it can easily consume it.

This chemical is the reason why mosquito bites itch and often result in an allergic reaction like swelling or a rash. Additionally, mosquitoes can leave more than a red spot; they carry diseases like West Nile Virus which can be transmitted in just one quick bite.

It may make your stomach turn, but understanding the true impact of a mosquito bite might make you take mosquito control a little more seriously.

Mosquitoes Breed in Water

If this fact has you breathing a sigh of relief because you don’t live near water, keep reading. Mosquitoes do in fact lay their eggs in water, but the kind of water they prefer is warm, shallow, and still, like the kind of water that can be found in gutters, pooling up on top of your swimming pool cover, in that used tire out back, or even flat or indented areas of your child’s swingset.

A good first step is to walk around your property and locate any areas of standing water, the remove the culprit when possible. The truth is, unless you can fly too, you’ll never locate all the places that mosquitoes are breeding. That’s why it makes sense to get a mosquito control border sprayed in these areas; killing the existing mosquitoes and ensuring that they’ll never choose to breed in those spots again.

Ask a Mosquito Expert

If you’re curious to learn more about mosquitoes, or you’re ready to get help with mosquito control for your property, you’re in luck.

The mosquito control experts at Mr. Mister can send a vector-trained technician to your house to survey your property, give you the information you need, and begin applying a mosquito control border to keep these complicated pests out of your life, and far away from your family and your home. Contact Mr. Mister mosquito control to get started today!


In conclusion, understanding the intricate details of mosquitoes’ behavior is the first step toward effective mosquito control. From being attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale to the potentially harmful consequences of their bites, mosquitoes are not just a summertime annoyance; they pose genuine health risks. Recognizing that these pests breed in specific types of water sources highlights the importance of proactive measures in maintaining a mosquito-free environment.

The conventional methods of using bug sprays and repellents might not provide foolproof protection, given the mosquitoes’ unique sensory mechanisms. The revelation that a mosquito bite involves more than just blood extraction, as it introduces an anti-coagulant with the potential for allergic reactions and disease transmission, underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to mosquito control.


Why are mosquitoes attracted to us?

Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide (CO2) we exhale, not the warmth of our skin, scents from products, or bright clothing. Repellents may not be sufficient as mosquitoes can still locate and bite us. A mosquito control border around your yard can help mask CO2 and keep mosquitoes at bay.

What more does a mosquito bite do besides taking blood?

When a mosquito bites, it injects an anticoagulant into our blood to prevent clotting, facilitating easy consumption. This chemical causes itching and may lead to allergic reactions like swelling or rashes. Additionally, mosquitoes can transmit diseases like West Nile Virus through a single bite, emphasizing the need for effective mosquito control.

How do mosquitoes breed, and where can we find their breeding grounds?

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, preferring warm, shallow, and still water. Common breeding grounds include gutters, pooling on swimming pool covers, old tires, and flat areas on children’s swing sets. To reduce breeding sites, locate and eliminate standing water. Consider a mosquito control border to eradicate existing mosquitoes and prevent future breeding.

Why is standing water a concern for mosquito breeding?

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, and it serves as an ideal environment for their larvae to develop. Even seemingly small areas of stagnant water, like those found in gutters or on a pool cover, can become breeding grounds. Identifying and removing standing water is crucial in reducing mosquito populations.

How can a mosquito control border help in preventing mosquito infestations?

A mosquito control border involves applying effective treatments to targeted areas, disrupting existing mosquito populations, and deterring future breeding. This proactive approach, such as the services offered by Mr. Mister mosquito control, ensures a comprehensive solution to keep mosquitoes away from your property.

Why should I consult a mosquito control expert?

Mosquito control experts, like those at Mr. Mister, can provide valuable insights into specific mosquito risks on your property. They offer professional assessments, information, and practical solutions tailored to your needs. A vector-trained technician can survey your property, providing expertise in mosquito control to keep your family and home protected.

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