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How To Protect Pets From Mosquitoes

Pet lovers everywhere know the dangers associated with mosquitoes. 

Disease-carrying mosquitoes are common in all parts of the country. 

So it’s not surprising that many pets contract diseases from contact with infected mosquitoes. 

While ticks and fleas can cause problems for pets, mosquitoes are particularly troublesome. 

Mosquitoes spread disease widely and quickly, and they are more common in most backyards than ticks or fleas. 

One of the most important ways to protect your pets from mosquitoes is to use preventative heart-worm treatments. 

But if you really want to protect your pets, you’ve got to go after the mosquitoes themselves.

Undercover During Dusk

Most dog owners are aware that heart-worms spread through mosquitoes. 

When a mosquito bites an infected animal—often wild canines—they can pick up the larvae. 

Those larvae are then deposited in their next blood meal. 

If that’s your dog, they could be in trouble. 

Mosquitoes in many parts of the country are active and considered dangerous to pets year-round.

One strategy that has proven successful is keeping your pets away from contact with mosquitoes. 

Pet owners can simply keep pets indoors during certain times of the day. 

Protect Pets From Mosquitoes

Keeping pets inside and during dusk, dawn, and early evening when mosquitoes are most active is typically the best strategy. 

This is an ineffective way to keep pets safe, but it’s more of a concession to the mosquitoes than a long-term solution.

Perfect Breeding Ground

Another way of reducing the chances of coming into contact with disease-spreading mosquitoes is to reduce the mosquito population. 

You’ll need to focus on areas around the home with standing water. 

This not only protects pets but also protects humans from pesky mosquitoes. 

Even a small amount of standing water is a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. 

Make it a habit after every rainfall to check the areas where water might accumulate. Downspouts, patio furniture, toys, and gardening equipment can all hold small puddles. 

If you can empty those little pools of water, you can significantly decrease mosquito populations.

Changing Outdoor Pet Bowls

Water bowls left outdoors for dogs or other animals can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes. 

Frequently changing any outdoor water bowls can reduce the chances of pets contracting a disease from a mosquito bite. 

In some instances, it may be necessary to change bowls two or three times each day during peak mosquito season. 

Pet owners should also be cautious using commercially available mosquito control products on pets. 

Dogs and cats can be very sensitive to some of the chemicals used in topical mosquito control products. 

Never assume that a bug control product made for humans is safe for pets. 

Instead, stick to repellents made specifically for your type of pet.

Conscientious And Responsible Pet Ownership

Talk with your pet care professional to learn which insect control products are best for your pet. 

There are many safe mosquito repellents on the market that can protect your pets without causing a toxic reaction. 

Never assume that a substance is safe for pets if you haven’t researched it. 

For instance, you should exercise caution using home remedies such as essential oils. 

In every case, the best strategy is to talk with your pet care professional to know for sure what is safe. 

Being a conscientious and responsible pet owner means staying proactive when about mosquito bite prevention. 

To keep pets safe, we recommend keeping mosquitoes out of your yard with the ClearZone™ mosquito misting service from Mr. Mister.


In conclusion, the threat of disease-carrying mosquitoes to our beloved pets is a significant concern for pet lovers everywhere. 

While ticks and fleas can cause problems, mosquitoes pose a unique and widespread danger due to their ability to rapidly spread diseases. 

Heartworm, among other illnesses, can be transmitted to pets through mosquito bites, making it crucial for pet owners to take proactive measures to protect their furry companions.

Preventative heartworm treatments are essential for safeguarding your pets, but it’s equally important to address the mosquito problem itself. 

Keeping your pets indoors during the peak mosquito activity hours of dusk, dawn, and early evening is one way to minimize their exposure. 

However, this is not a foolproof long-term solution.

Reducing the mosquito population around your home by eliminating standing water sources is another effective strategy. 

Regularly checking areas prone to water accumulation, such as downspouts, outdoor pet bowls, and garden equipment, can significantly decrease mosquito breeding sites.

When it comes to using mosquito control products on your pets, caution is paramount. 

Not all repellents and treatments are safe for animals, and it’s crucial to consult with a pet care professional to choose the right products. 

Avoid assuming that what works for humans is suitable for pets and steer clear of potentially harmful substances like essential oils.

Being a conscientious and responsible pet owner entails staying vigilant in preventing mosquito bites. 

By taking the necessary steps to keep mosquitoes out of your yard, such as considering the ClearZone™ mosquito misting service from Mr. Mister, you can provide your pets with a safer and healthier environment.

Protect Pets From Mosquitoes


What diseases can pets contract from mosquitoes?

Pets can contract diseases such as heartworm, West Nile virus, and Zika virus from mosquito bites.

Are mosquitoes a year-round threat to pets?

Yes, in many parts of the country, mosquitoes pose a year-round threat to pets.

When are mosquitoes most active, and when should I keep my pets indoors?

Mosquitoes are most active during dusk, dawn, and early evening, so it’s advisable to keep your pets indoors during these times.

How can I reduce the mosquito population around my home?

Eliminating sources of standing water, like downspouts and outdoor pet bowls, can help reduce mosquito breeding sites.

Is changing outdoor pet bowls frequently necessary to prevent mosquito-borne diseases?

Yes, changing outdoor pet bowls regularly, especially during peak mosquito season, can reduce the risk of pets contracting diseases.

Are commercially available mosquito control products safe for pets?

Some commercial mosquito control products are safe for pets, but it’s essential to consult with a pet care professional to select the right ones.

Can I use human mosquito repellents on my pets?

No, it’s not advisable to use human mosquito repellents on pets, as they may contain chemicals harmful to animals.

What precautions should I take when using home remedies like essential oils on my pets?

Exercise caution when using home remedies like essential oils on pets, as some oils can be toxic to them. Always consult with a pet care professional.

How can I protect my pets from heartworm?

Preventative heartworm treatments prescribed by a veterinarian are essential for protecting pets from heartworm disease.

What is the ClearZone™ mosquito misting service from Mr. Mister?

The ClearZone™ mosquito misting service is a solution that helps keep mosquitoes out of your yard, providing a safer environment for your pets.

Is it possible to completely eliminate mosquitoes from my yard?

While it may be challenging to eliminate mosquitoes entirely, taking preventive measures can significantly reduce their presence in your yard.

What steps can I take to ensure I am a responsible pet owner when it comes to mosquito bite prevention?

To be a responsible pet owner, stay proactive in preventing mosquito bites by using safe repellents, minimizing outdoor exposure during peak mosquito activity, and addressing mosquito breeding sites around your home.

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