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How Our Mosquito Solution Works

There are several methods of mosquito control misting systems available. Here, we’ll explain how a mosquito control misting system works to protect your home, garden, and yard from these annoying and dangerous pests. Mr. Mister offers two fundamentally different types of misting systems. Each of these is explained here.

Our ClearZone™ service involves spraying the underside of foliage and other areas of your yard where mosquitoes like to hide when they are not active. This mist not only kills mosquitoes but also inhibits their reproduction. The effect of this sprayed mist lasts for 21 days, after which further treatment will be needed.

We spray not only the underside of foliage but also other areas where mosquitoes tend to settle at night and during the hottest part of the day. These areas include downspouts, drainage areas, standing water, and any other damp and dark areas in your yard or garden.

The treatment is beneficial as a means of solving a mosquito problem and as an initial treatment before installing an automatic misting system. If you want a quick result, perhaps for a barbecue or garden party, this is for you. The effect lasts 21 days, and you can renew it with another treatment at 21-day intervals through the end of mosquito season.

Many Mr. Mister customers choose this solution year after year. They love the simplicity. You don’t even have to be home for us to spray. Just keep your gates unlocked and pets indoors. We’ll come back every 21 days, and your yard will stay mosquito-free all season long.



The Mr. Mister Mosquito Control System™ is the most effective solution for significant infestation over the longer term. This involves installing misting nozzles that spray a fine mist of insecticide at preset intervals.

The system is fed by reservoirs of mosquito-spray solution, and is set to operate when mosquitoes begin their activity and when they are most active:

  • Dawn: when they awake and start on their early morning hunt.
  • Early evening: when they wake up from their daytime siesta and look for prey—particularly when conditions are warm and humid.
  • Dusk: when mosquitoes become extremely active just before they settle for the night.

Our technicians will install the piping and misting nozzles. They will then set the spray to activate at pre-selected times. Our customers can testify to the effect of the Mr. Mister Mosquito Control System™. They support our belief that effective mosquito control depends on a scientific approach, targeting mosquitoes’ natural and preferred habitats at the times when they are statistically likely to be present.

Mr. Mister offers the professional mosquito control misting service that homeowners need. We know it works because the science supports it and the results prove it. Our results are what keep customers coming back, and our customers commend us on the effectiveness of our service. You can check out our testimonials some success stories from real customers.

If you need a mosquito control misting service, contact us online or give us a call at (404) 941-0720

* Schedule a Free Mosquito Control Consultation – 404-941-0720 *
* Guaranteed Results * 100% Biodegradable * Locally Owned

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